You have 30 minutes to complete this evaluation.
Use the regexquiz tool to write a regular expression to match all the Java logging Levels from INFO, WARNING, and SEVERE. The format for the logger output is <level>: <message> [<time>]. Match the message and time only taking the month, day, time, and year.
Example logging message
WARNING: warning message [Tue Mar 22 13:11:31 PDT 2011]
The match should look like
0000: [(' warning message ', 'Mar', '22', '13:11:31', '2011')]
$ regexquiz diff
RegExQuiz! ICS 215 RegEx quizzer.
Type #question to see the quiz question. Then type in the regular
expression that solves the question. When you hit return the quizzer
will show you lines that match that regex, or nothing if nothing matches.
Type #quit to quit.
Loaded Quiz diff
Write a regular expression to match all the Java logging Levels from INFO, WARNING,
and SEVERE. The format for the logger output is <level>: <message> [<time>]. Match the message and time only taking
the month, day, time, and year.
* The <level> is the Java logging levels,
SEVERE (highest value)
FINEST (lowest value)
* The <message> is free text.
* The <time> is in the format
* Three letter day of the week, followed by a space.
* Three letter month of the year followed by a space.
* Two digit day of the month followed by a space.
* Two digit hour of the day, followed by a colon ':'
* Two digit minute, followed by a colon ':'
* Two digit second, followed by a space
* Three letter time zone followed by a space
* Four digit year.
Example logging message
WARNING: warning message [Tue Mar 22 13:11:31 PDT 2011]
The match should look like
0000: [(' warning message ', 'Mar', '22', '13:11:31', '2011')]
quiz >
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Send an email with the file attached to and The timestamp on the email will indicate when you completed the quiz. For an easy quiz you have 30 minutes to complete the problem.
After trying out the problem you can watch me solve the problem.