Module: Regular Expressions

Introduction to Regular Expressions. Understanding and using regular expressions in programs.

Learning Outcomes

Regular Expressions

To learn how to use and understand regular expressions.

The student will:

Input Validation

To learn how to validate user input using various scripting languages.

The student will:



Things to know about Regular Expressions


Entry on Regular Expressions

JavaScript Regular Expressions

JavaScript RegExp Reference

PHP Regular Expressions

Perl-Compatible PHP Regular Expressions

Perl Regular Expressions

Perl Regular Expressions Tutorial

Python 2.7 Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions HOWTO


Learn regular expressions with simple, interactive examples.

RegEx in 55 minutes

Learn regular expressions in about 55 minutes.

The premier website about Regular Expressions.

Tech Stuff - Regular Expressions

A gentle user guide and tutorial.


An online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions.

Java Regular Expressions

Java(TM) Lesson on Regular Expressions

Experiential Learning

Practice evaluation (Easy)

Write a simple regular expression.

Practice evaluation (Medium)

Write a regular expression.

Practice evaluation (Difficult)

Write a complex regular expression.


Regular Expression Quiz Distribution

Outcomes assessed: Understand course structure, Regular Expressions, Input Validation

Assessed ability to create regular expressions for various purposes.

As of 11/26/14: